The company's specialists represent the interests of clients before the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine upon obtaining prior permits to carry out concerted actions or concentrations.

We also provide full legal assistance to Ukrainian and international companies in antitrust investigations into cases of unfair competition, including cases of providing inaccurate information and illegal use of intellectual property.

The main services of competition and antitrust law practice:

  • advising clients on competition and antitrust law;
  • preparation of legal opinions on the impact of legislation on the protection of economic competition on a particular activity carried out by the client;
  • structuring agreements in order to bring them in line with the requirements of competition law;
  • obtaining preliminary conclusions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine on planned transactions;
  • obtaining permits for concentration, concerted actions and support of the client's interests in the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine;
  • participation in negotiations with the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine on obtaining approvals for the implementation of the concentration or concerted actions;
  • cessation of unfair competition, including the preparation of the necessary documents for filing an application with the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to initiate investigations related to violations of competition law, as well as representing the interests of clients in the course of such investigations;
  • judicial appeal of decisions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, including preparation of necessary documents and representation of interests of the client in courts;
  • advising clients on procurement at public expense and participation in tenders;
  • appealing the results of state tenders in court and administratively.